Micah Klingel

Interviewed by Samantha L

On June 17, 2012 I went on a steep hike up Mt. Butte with the Moose, Halibut, and Mosquito vans. When we reached the top of the slope, I met a rather interesting person. His name is Micah Klingel, he is Alaska born from Kasilof but moved to Auburn, Washington. He recently flew up from seattle to come back here. When asked what encouraged him to climb today he replied, "I've actually never climbed before but the view is great. It's nice to come up here and to escape the real world." Then he told me that him family lived here since 1913. I originally thought that they came for the gold rush but then he explained to me,"My great Grandfather, Arther Eide, came here from Norway as a missionary and actually helped colonize Alaska." On top of that his great grandfather married a princess and he is in museums in Alaska. Sometimes it's crazy, the people you meet.